Monday, October 18, 2010

Happily Ever After

Dirty diapers, dishes, laundry
You are my Happily Ever after
Practicing, meetings, late night projects
You are my Happily Ever After
Surgery, throw-up, baby crying in the night
You are my Happily Ever After
Dirty house, screaming children, more work to be done
You are my Happily ever after
Sticky floor, a leaky sink, a race against time that can’t be beat
You are my Happily Ever After
House payments, rehearsals, pancakes (again?!)
You are my Happily Ever After
Because even though I didn’t know I was signing up for all of this
You are my Happily Ever After
How could this be you ask yourself?
No glass slipper, red rose, or magic spell
The real secret I must tell is that
I get to do it all with you, my Prince
Now that is Happily Ever After


Brit said...

that's an awesome poem with some good thoughts. There is no escaping reality, is there? But it's nice to have a great guy by your side to help you along the way. We are two lucky girls!

Emilie Gardner said...

This made me tear up. I love you Mel. :)

Cristie said...
