Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Yesterday we went to Primary Children's for Robbie's 2nd surgery. Luckily, it was very minor compared to open heart surgery. Robbie had a tonsillectomy. Due to Robbie's severe sleep apnea, he had his tonsils and adenoids removed. Hopefully this will help the obstruction while he sleeps. The surgery went well. Ear tubes were also inserted because there was fluid in his ears.

We stayed at the hospital last night just to control his pain and make sure there were no other risks especially with his airway.

I look around and see other parents going through some very challenging things. I realize that we are all in this together. My heart goes out to others who are filled with great challenges and I find strength that there is purpose to all of this and we are made stronger.

I just got the okay that we get to go home today. "There's no place like home."

1 comment:

Cristie said...

We are so glad that all is well (or at least MUCH better!) and that we get to see our little ones in just a week! YAY!