Every hour we got a status on how Robbie was doing:
9:15 incision was made
10:00 confirmed that Robbie was doing well on the heart and lung machine
11:15 things are going smoothly, the ventricle hole has been repaired
12:15 Robbie is off the heart lung machine and is stable; his heart is repaired;the next step is to close his chest
12:45 Surgery Complete! We spoke with Dr. Birch and the surgery went well. The only major challenge was inserting the IV since Robbie has small arteries.
1:15 Josh and I went and had lunch; both of us agree that we feel a bit numb and some food would be a good idea.
2:15 now we are waiting to see Robbie; he is in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
Brigid and Thresholds
This week we celebrated Imbolc/St Brigid's Feast Day.
Brigid is the Irish Saint (some say Goddess) of thresholds. She was born
at the threshold of the ...
4 weeks ago
Thank you for the update. I am glad that it sounds like the surgery has gone well so far. Been thinking about your little guy all day!
We are so grateful to God! How we love our little Robbie.
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