Thursday, April 23, 2009

Family Fun

You know the saying "April showers bring May flowers." Well, April has definitely showered us with some fun experiences. Here are just a few fun things the Gardners have been doing:

We celebrated our festivities the Friday before Easter. This included an Easter egg hunt, an Easter Lesson, dipping chocolates (a tradition my Grandma Ensign started), a yummy dinner at Aunt Corine's, and of course dying Easter eggs. Any guesses how many Easter eggs seven children can color in 20 minutes? 10 Dozen! And that still wasn't enough. Next year we'll plan on at least 15 dozen. Needless to say we had an EGGstraordinary Day!

On Easter we enjoyed a ham dinner at the Larsens, along with the company of Cristie, Emilie, Caitie and Jeff. The weather was absolutely perfect, so we enjoyed some leisure time in the backyard. It was a wonderful Easter.


Last Wednesday we welcomed Alina (Steve's "more than just a friend") from China. The kids have thoroughly enjoyed learning a few Chinese words as well as asking Alina a few questions. The first night Alina arrived in America Jarom went up to her and asked. "Alina, do you know what a Geyser is?" That was only the beginning of many more random questions my children would ask. They absolutely adore her. In fact, one day Adam was finishing up his cello practice when he learned Alina may be heading to Provo. His lip began to quiver and then it all came out. He cried and cried. Thanks to Cristie, plans changed and Adam was able to finish cello and play with Alina. (Above is a picture of Alina trying waffles for the first time. She liked them!)


The traditional Gardner get together at our house was a blast at conference time. We ate too much, played too much, and stayed up waaaaaaay too late. It's a good thing we don't have the 8 o'clock curfue we had as kids! Dave, Lori, and kids, as well as Caitie, Jeff, Emilie, Matt, and Brit all participated in the festivities.


My cousin, Megan, got married On Saturday the 18th. (Those of you who ran the 5K that day way to go!) Because it was held in a church all the kids got to come. Adam, Jarom, Makenzie, and Eliza all got to join us in a rendition of Canon in D as the bride walked down the aisle. Although, playing the music was pretty fun, throwing petals and catching bubbles was definitely the highlight of the afternoon.


We also decided on one of Joshua's Christmas presents. Although the present may be a few days early or a few days late, we're sure our new little one will come on the right date.


Emilie Gardner said...

cute! Congratulations!!!! I'm so so so so so so so SOOOOOO excited!!!

Brit said...

I had to read that last paragraph like fifty times to make sure I wasn't jumping to conclusions! we are so excited for another cousin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it's a boy :)

Grace said...

Oh wow!, congratulations!!! I might have to try to be in town for Christmas this year. :)

Heather said...

Like Brit, I had to read the last paragraph a few times and then I had to read Brit's comment a few times! What the heck?? You guys are amazing! 15 dozen eggs? Are you freak'n kidding me? Wow!


Steve said...

yeah, I had to read the last paragraph multiple times too... that is wonderful news, really great news. Congratulations!
Alina actually is more than just a friend...

Alina said...

Wow!!!!Congratulations! I am very excited to see you and the new baby soon!!!

Miss Melodie said...

The blog was updated to reflect your description. Three options...friend, girlfriend, fiancee. Friend encompasses all, so we went with that.

Cristie said...

This is Cristie AND Stan together at last in San Diego. And we are SO EXCITED for you. Welcome new little Grandlove!