"Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too. Nothing else will ever make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality especailly while you struggle to keep your own."
Marguerite Kelly and Elea Parseons
Brigid and Thresholds
This week we celebrated Imbolc/St Brigid's Feast Day.
Brigid is the Irish Saint (some say Goddess) of thresholds. She was born
at the threshold of the ...
4 weeks ago
Amen. Perfect thought!
I used to think these sentiments were those of overly-melodramatic mothers who were stressed out because they had no other venue in which to find fulfillment and purpose. Wow, have I learned alot in the past two years. Please pass a piece of humble pie, thank you. Motherhood teaches you things you could never know without experiencing them.
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