Monday, April 6, 2009

Isn't it Interesting . . .

How in the moment finger prints on the mirrors or spilled milk seems almost devastating and yet, after the children have gone to bed, it isn’t so difficult any more. In fact, you look at these things and just smile.

How children so easily forgive others
How children can travel the world in a laundry basket

How a box can be so much more interesting to a one-year-old than the toy itself

How impeccable the timing is of a blowout diaper ie. just before it is time to leave the house, right after you’ve gotten them dressed, when they are wearing a brand new outfit, in the middle of church

How children love to spend time exploring bugs and rocks, and we tend to spend time rushing from one place to another oblivious to the beauties and miracles around us

How the greatest gifts are created through paper, crayons, scissors, and a lot of love.

How children will wave and smile to someone they don’t even know

How children are blatantly honest

How children dread naptime and adults long for a nap

How a good night’s sleep becomes much more appreciated after having children

How children see things for what they really are, and we tend to mask Truth because of our own pride, fear, or lack of understanding

How a laugh or smile from a baby can bring the greatest joy to our hearts

How children become our hardest but best teachers on life


Heather said...

We have so much to learn from our little people. I love love love little kids! They are the closest thing to heaven on earth. So how is it that they can be such little devils too??? ha ha

Long Family said...

We really can learn so much from our children-thanks for sharing!

Cristie said...

The most powerful teaching I have ever had was realizing that my children mirror me. Very humbling experience!