Sunday, September 27, 2009

Justice, Mercy, and a Shopping Cart

So the other day, I decided to be super mom and go shopping with the three little ones. I was optimistic about the experience, but I must say it turned out very different than I expected.

About mid-way through the excursion, the kids were saying they were hungry. No problem, I thought. We'll just open this new bag of Fruit Loops and that should last until we get home. Well, that worked for a few minutes, but then Joshua was feeling pretty done with the "car" he was driving. I hoisted him on my hip and continued shopping. Next came the untimely, "Mom, I've got to go to the bathroom. We were currently in the very back of the store, and the bathrooms were conveniently at the very front of the store.

"We're almost done. Can you wait a few minutes? "
"Yes," Rachel said.

So we finished the last minute shopping. Jarom and Rachel dutifully helped unload the cart at the check stand. It was quite a heap of groceries. One woman took note of the circumstance and kindly handed me a juice form the cart and then quickly moved to a shorter line. Now Jarom had to go to the bathroom and Joshua was trying to steer the gigantic car cart around.

"Phew!" We made it through the check stand now it was potty time. Now Rachel would not go to the potty. Jarom did, but Joshua was crying because he wanted to wander in the bathroom and explore the stalls and I wasn't so big on the idea. So now, off to the car, with a crying one year old, a three year old that has to go to the bathroom, and a four year old trying to help out the best he can.

"Everyone hold on to Mom." I felt like Emma Smith crossing the freezing river with her children clutched to her side, only we were simply crossing the parking lot to find our car.
I was relieved when we made it! Joshua was still not very happy, (screaming) so I figured I could put him in the car and turn on a movie while I unloaded the groceries. There was one challenge. We were parked on a hill. Not wanting the cart to go any where, I parked it on a diagonal into our van. I turned around and put Joshua in his seat.


My heart sunk.. That can't be the shopping cart can it? Sure enough! Somehow it had lost its angle and went crashing into a car. I ran after the shopping cart to inspect the car it had hit. Inside the car sat an elderly woman who did not look very happy. I felt absolutely terrible! I asked her if she wouldn't mind coming out and seeing if the cart had done any damage to her car. She got out of her car and came around to the passenger side. I could see the stern lines in her face.

"Where did it hit?"
I showed her the area.
There was a small area where the paint had come off. She felt the spot with her hand.

Then a complete change came over her. Her face softened a bit and she looked at me. (I must have looked desperate.)
"I think I've got some paint at home that can fix this."

"Do you want me to pay for the damage?" I tried to ask holding back the tears stinging my eyes.

"I just wanted to make sure the car was not dented, I can fix this with a little paint. Besides . . ."
She narrowed her eyes and examined me from head to toe.

"You've got problems of your own."

I was taught a great lesson that day. I felt so grateful for the woman's compassion and mercy. There was no doubt that I had injured her car with no intention, and yet the mark was there. It needed to be fixed. But, I had already done all I could that day. I felt that all my efforts would not measure up; I had no emotional strength to give. Yet, the demands still needed to be met. This kind woman showed mercy to me, for she knew I was giving my all. She was willing to take on the responsibility to fix her car even though I had done the damage.

I hopped in the van, now letting the tears flow. Realizing how this was like Christ's Atonement. That even when we feel we don't measure up, and have given all we can, He will make up the difference. His marks show of His great love for us. Justice and Mercy can be met through Christ because He paid the price. He loves us beyond measure and that is why He suffered all things for us.


Cristie said...

What a powerful, beautiful message Melodie. It touched me deeply. Thank you for sharing your experience--it's truly helped my day! Love you!

The Wards said...

Touching story and experience. Thanks for sharing.

Lara said...

Another beautiful reminder that we really can't make it all on our own.

Heather said...


We loved having you up the other week - too short though.

You guys are awesome - always a lesson to learn!

Brit said...

I second Heather's comment!!! Drop the kids off here next time!

Chelsea said...

You are amazing and what a touching story! Thank you for sharing this. It was so great to talk to you tonight. We can't wait to see you again! Best wishes my friend! Love you, Chelsea