So I have to say that even though there are numerous challenges to parenting, I love being able to just snuggle or hold my children close. Tonight Joshua just nestled into my arms as we sang songs for bedtime. He was so still (which is a rare thing for this little boy of energy) and occasionally joined in with the singing. I stroked his soft skin and just savored the moment of simply being - being ourselves, being together, being apart of a greater Good that is always there. I didn't have to be anywhere or do anything, and the peace this brought me was wonderful. At times I think there is so much more my children can teach me if I would just slow down and really listen - not just to their words, but their expressions and their Spirit.
Life is beautiful.
Brigid and Thresholds
This week we celebrated Imbolc/St Brigid's Feast Day.
Brigid is the Irish Saint (some say Goddess) of thresholds. She was born
at the threshold of the ...
4 weeks ago
Life is beautiful indeed. I'm so glad things are starting to come together in the house, and hope that the kitchen doesn't take too long!
That is so true Melodie. It's difficult to slow down sometimes, but those moments are so choice when they come.
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