It was a fun day! Both Gammy and Emilie called to wish him Happy Birthday. And Aunt Brit and Uncle Matt posted the HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign in Brit's studio so that Jarom would have a nice surprise when he arrived for cello lessons. He was so excited, it took all the concentration he had to make it through the Twinkles on cello.
The other day I was parking the van in the garage, I heard Jarom's voice from the back seat.
JAROM: Mom, I know what I want for my birthday?
MOM: What's that?
JAROM: Some boots so I can run around in the snow.

That was a request I could easily fulfill. So Jarom did get some boots along with a big, red bouncy ball (the kind you can ride - who knows the real name?) from the Harts and a big semi truck filled with cars form Grandma and Grandpa. One of the highlights was the tool box made by Adam and Grandpa Larsen. Grandpa and Adam spent many Wednesday afternoons making this box for Jarom. Adam would always light up when he talked about "Jarom's surprise"!
On Sunday we had a celebration with the Larsen's and the Harts. Corine made some fancy cakes of a Lady Bug and the Little Mermaid (it is Ivy Hart's second birthday this week also). Jarom requested a snowman cake so we had that too. I think he had more fun making it than he did eating it.

Jarom has been a wonderful addition to our family. He is a clever thinker and has taken an interest in reading this year. I've never seen anyone more excited about letters. He rushes home from preschool to show me the letter stamp he received from Miss Margene. He loves to take care of Joshua and always gives me big hugs (hence his nickname from Great Aunt Diane "Jear-Bear" has stuck with him). Happy Birthday Jarom!
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