Brigid and Thresholds
This week we celebrated Imbolc/St Brigid's Feast Day.
Brigid is the Irish Saint (some say Goddess) of thresholds. She was born
at the threshold of the ...
Going Full-Kiwi
Our Kiwi eating her kiwis
After a year of living in New Zealand I have finally tried some very Kiwi
things, Weet-Bix and Rugby. I now know that both are w...
June 7, 2013 Day 1 in Kenya
We slept in really late today because we were up so late picking me up
from the airport. We live in the "posh" part of town and when I walked in,
I saw 1...
One More Thing, and Then I've Got it!
It has been difficult to put my thoughts and feelings into written form
since losing my incredible angel mother. Mom was always there, always eager
to ta...
Sweet Memories of Marion Passey...
Joel's gammy passed away last night and Joel and I have had the day to
process it fully. We've both shed tears of sadness of love lost, but we're
so happy ...
Do you remember last year's Valentines? I remember it so well, because that is the night Adam broke his arm. :) Josh and I spent our romantic Valentines Dinner in the cafeteria at Primary Childrens Hospital while Adam received his surgery. That was quite an adeventure; not one I would like to relive. Any way, I thought it would be fun to post some pics of the true love of my life.
Can you believe that we finished that chocolate bar? That was the yummiest Christmas present. The last chunk of chocloate was used in a batch of chocolate chip cookies - Mmmmmm.
Thank you for making me want to live up to the man you believe me to be.
Happy Valentine's Day to a wonderful eternal couple and family :) We love you!
my favorite pic was of the huge hershey's bar from chicago - do you still have it?? good times!
after reading your previous post, i'll never complain about doc. appts again!
i wish we lived closer - i'd babysit for you all the time!
Can you believe that we finished that chocolate bar? That was the yummiest Christmas present. The last chunk of chocloate was used in a batch of chocolate chip cookies - Mmmmmm.
We can't wait to come up again and see you guys.
the love you two share, and your family, and your marriage, are inspiring to all around you.
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