Thursday, July 9, 2009

So it has been a while . . .

Wow! I feel like it has been a whirlwind of a summer. I guess the most exciting news is that we are moving! Today we got on offer on our home for the price we asked for. That is amazing to me. The family that would like to buy our home has three young children. Josh saw then briefly when he was leaving and they were coming to look at our house. I have a feeling that this offer will stay.

Stan Gardner Family Reunion in Nauvoo:

We made some wonderful memories. I have to say that for me the highlight was Alina's baptism. I loved being all together for such a beautiful experience. It was definitely a glimpse of heaven on earth.

Here are some other memories I have of Nauvoo:

~Staying up past 3:00AM to welcome Elder Nathanial Gardner back "home" We were all running off the 2:30am pizza calories.
~Watching the kids splash happily in the mud pool with no cares of bugs, dirt, or grime.
~Seeing the kids watch Sister Emilie Gardner with great anticipation in the Anna Amanda Show
~Carthage: When we watched the movie in the visitor center Adam decided to sit in the very front. Then at one point I saw him get up and move toward me, "Why did they not like the Mormons, Mom?" His voice portrayed great concern. I'm sure my answer did not suffice, but I realized how much this five year old was absorbing and maybe all those hours of traveling were really worth it.
~Driving throughout the night so the kids would not have to endure another day of driving. They were good, but 10 times through Blue's Clues can make anyone tired of being in the car.
~Nachos, Fajitas, Shakes - we ate very well.


Cristie said...

We are so glad you came, and thanks to your wonderful parents for being there to meet you in Denver and come to Nauvoo! Thank you for making and taking the time. It was an incredible experience for us.

jacey said...

Fun pictures! Where are you moving?

The Wards said...

Moving!? I hope not far away. Where will we have all the YPM parties?
That's wonderful that you had a family reunion in Nauvoo. Too memorable and fun.