Adam gets to go back to the hospital a week from Tuesday and he will have his pins removed.
It is amazing what great blessings have come from this experience. My heart has been filled with gratitude as I learn about all the help Adam has been given where Josh and I could not. Here is where I count my blessings:
1) Wonderful doctors and nurses who have the expertise to know how to help:
When Adam had to get an IV at the hospital his was quite adament. I was amazed how the nurse so easily worked with Adam explaining how everything worked and why it was important. Once Adam understood completely he became "brave" and "did not cry", as he puts it.
2) Help from school classmates and friends:
I went to pick up Adam from school and arrived a little early. Inside the classroom I saw Adam's friend Gage, getting all of Adam's papers for him and helping him with his backpack.
Each day of class Adam gets a new friend to help him cut out his art projects.
I spoke with the teacher, Mrs. Richards and she said she was amazed how Adam's class just pulled together and was anxious to help.
3) Help from family:
Adam had no doubt who was rooting for him. Here are just a few things he received:
-A card and money from Gammy and Grandpa.
-A family home evening visit from Aunt Brit, Uncle Matt, and family (Kit-Kat included)
-Daily visits from Grandma and Grandpa Larsen
-Princess coloring pages from Makenzie, Eliza, and Ivy
-Emails, notes, or phone calls from Grace, Lori, Gammy, Joel, Caitie, Emilie,
-A visit from Aunt Diane along with treats, books, and a favorite show, "The Backyardigans"
The list goes on!
4) Power in the Priesthood:
Adam was given a blessing by Josh and our home teacher, Alan. Peace filled my heart as I realized all would be well.
I'll never forget Rachel as she looked at Adam with his cast. "I am sowry that you have a huwrt awrm, Adam."
Jarom has cleared Adam's place numerous times and helped me do extra things like laundry and dishes.
Just the other day I was sitting at the table and I saw Jarom open the dish washer and start puting away the clean dishes. " I'm going to do ALL the dishes for you, Mom." And so he did.

Adam, 加油!一二三四五六七八九十。Can you still read all of those Characters? It is so fun to see your smiling pictures! Be sure to tell your mom and dad thanks for writing a blog!
Yes I can.
From Adam
When Adam met the surgeon for the first time, he noticed his Dr. was Asian. As he lay in the hospital bed, he said, "I can count to ten in Chinese!"
Oh my heart is so full, reading about all of these challenging and growing adventures. Adam, we love you very much and wish we could be there to hug you! Our love to all!
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